How to add content

You can add place to watch, leave photos and comments to any individual stage.  You can also leave comments at the bottom of the stages page, here is how

Create an account

Firstly you need to create a username and password here. Once you have done that you are free to add your content.

Find the stage

The site is organised into rounds (i.e countries) with each stage for a country. You can find a stage by looking through the relevent round or using the search tool. Each year a rounds stages may change therefore, each round may have many more stages than are being run in a given year. Also stages many vary slightly or 2 stages may be merged into one.  Where this is the case there may be various different sections on one stages page, or stages may appear to be longer or shorter than you were expecting.

Add a marker

Once you have found the stage you will see the route of the stage on the map.

There are 2 ways to add a marker to the position you were spectating.  

Firstly you can simply click on the map where you wish to position a marker, a pop up will come up where you can add photos and text.

Secondly you can add the co-ordinates  (if you used a phone to take photos, you will often be able to find the co-ordinates of the photo in the image details). 

Add Photos

You can now add a title, multiple photos and a description, it is sometimes helpfull to add how to reach the stage and what facilites are available.


This is a work in progress. The main thing the site needs is the location of the viewing place /  photo so users know where to go. It needs to be in the form of a GPS co-ordinate (49.18886666939079,17.72569728089841), you can get it from the metadata of an image. I know this is mega clunky at the minute, but hopefully, it will become automated….