
Tour de Corse Stages

The Tour de Corse is a rally first held in 1956 on the island of Corsica. It was the French round of the World Rally ...

Argentina Rally Overview

Rally Argentina / Rally de Argentina is held around  Villa Carlos Paz in Córdoba Province. It is best known for its large ...

Barum Czech Rally Zlín Overview

The  is held on sealed surfaces in Zlín, Czech Republic. It is currently part of the ERC (European Rally Championship) The rally is held ...


This is a work in progress. The main thing the site needs is the location of the viewing place /  photo so users know where to go. It needs to be in the form of a GPS co-ordinate (49.18886666939079,17.72569728089841), you can get it from the metadata of an image. I know this is mega clunky at the minute, but hopefully, it will become automated….